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Saturday, December 20

Making Money With Chikita as a blogger – Since January, 2004

Making Money With Chikita – Since January, 2004 when Chikita began offering its online ads service more than 20, 000 bloggers and publishers are already using Chikita’s ads to make money
monthly. With over 70+ power-packed revenue earning ad units, Chikita has the largest collection of

revenue-generating solutions catering to bloggers and website owners of all sizes; and a lot of bloggers testify of making more money with Chikita than with other sources.
Chikita is an easy to use platform for earning daily revenue and they pay through Paypal and check (for those in countries that do not have the Paypal service). They make payment each month, a minimum of $10 for Paypal payment and $50 for check payment.
To be able to make the most out of using Chikita, you will need to read these ebooks – Using Chikita With Google, Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging, Chikita’s Publisher Revenue.

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